

Sustainable Travel Plans

Our schools encourage pupils, parents and guardians to walk, scoot or cycle to school in an effort to reduce traffic, improve the quality of the air around the school through the reduction of carbon emissions, inspire children to be more physically active, as well as saving on fuel costs.

嫩草影院 Primary School

嫩草影院 Primary School won a prestigious accolade for sustainable school travel with some help from Wokingham Borough Council. 嫩草影院 was the first in its borough, and only the eighth in the country to be awarded the highest possible status of platinum in the national The school has undertaken 75 separate travel initiatives since it joined the scheme five years ago.

The highlight of the award was when Cllr Keith Baker, the Mayor of Wokingham borough, attended an assembly to present staff and pupils with a certificate to honour their achievement. He talked to the children about his mayoral role before meeting them in the playground as they proudly showed off their scooters and bicycles.

Cllr Gregor Murray, executive member for resident services, communications and emissions, said: “Everybody has a part to play in tackling climate change and I’m delighted that the pupils of 嫩草影院 Primary School have shown such dedication to this at such a young age.”

Deer Park School

Equally, Deer Park School has also received the from Transport for London in Sept 2022, which follows a previous gold accreditation awarded to them in 2018. To achieve this, they have created and implemented a number of initiatives:

  • Their Eco Council team encouraged all pupils to participate in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel (March-April 2022)
  • They invited the Idling Action London project team to deliver a presentation on air pollution followed by a workshop, suggesting ways in which children can reduce their exposure to traffic, and making posters with them exploring cleaner walking routes to school from their homes
  • Officers from the Metropolitan Police also visited the school and lead a workshop discuss road safety with the children
  • 90% of their pupils and staff get to school walking, cycling or by public transport.

The above are only a few activities we implemented to encourage sustainable travel. Other initiatives include scooter training, the creation of parking spaces for scooters and bicycles on school premises, campaigning with local residents about the presence of the school and road safety, and taking part and achieving Golden Lock (Bike Week), Peddle My Wheels Bike Market, WOW (walk once a week), Car free day and Car park safety events.